Does your child struggle with Coordination ?


There are many ways to encourage development of hand-eye coordination in children. Just like any other skill, the more time spent doing activities that involve hand-eye coordination, the easier the skill will become.

If you have concerns about your child’s hand-eye coordination, speak with your pediatrician. You may like to try some exercises that help to strengthen weak hand-eye coordination skills.

Wall ball

Playing wall ball is a great way to practice hand-eye coordination and is something your child can do on their own. Have them take a ball of any size, stand in front of a wall and start throwing and catching the ball. Repeat, and even have them change the distance between them and the wall each time.

Jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles can sharpen visual perception and fine motor skills, and can be an effective tool in the development of your child. In addition to adding to their fine motor skills, jigsaw puzzles can help children develop their memory, shape recognition and goal setting. Choose age-appropriate puzzles to avoid your child from becoming too frustrated with the difficulty.

No matter what you do improving Coordination in kids takes practice, a lot of practice. If you make it Fun they will do it on their own. Being coordinated can also be helpful socially for your child so give them every chance for success.
